May 2019 update

By the time of the original post, what I’ve written made sense as they were related to some problems I faced when following that instructions.

Things changed a lot since then and even those problems are not there anymore!

So I can only recommend to read the original post from Grav’s blog. It’s always up-to-date and it contains the best instructions.


Original post (October 2017)

I’m a new MacOS dev user.

As expected, the first thing I needed to do was to install MAMP (MacOS, Apache, MariaDB/MySQL y PHP). The thing is I wanted multiple PHP versions because of the mix of legacy and new projects. A friend recommended me to follow this guide from Grav’s blog, which is gold.

Anyway, there are some minor issues that I had while following it.

PHP extensions— Build from source

It’s mandatory to install the PHP extensions with the --build-from-source option. Otherwise, it’ll throw an error. So, wherever the guide says “install an extension” the final commands should be:

brew install php{xy}-{extension} --build-from-source

Where as:

  • xy: PHP version: 55, 56, 70 o 71.
  • extension: specific module: apcu, opcache, yaml or xdebug

If you already did install them, then just use thereinstall command.

SSL Certificate

The guide forgets to mention that Apache needs to be listening the port, so you need to add the command Listen 443 after the line that says Listen 80

Old MySQL support en PHP5.5 y PHP5.6

This was tricky and it was so simple at the end…

The old mysql extension (mysql_*) doesn’t come pre-installed with Homebrew PHP (as it does happen with mysqli_* extension). For worse, when you try to install it with the option --with-libmysql it doesn’t find some libraries at /usr/local/bin so it doesn’t install at all. Happily, Github exists.

So, in resume, you first need to install MySQL:

brew install mysql

Then, you need to stop the MariaDB service, unmount it and then mount MySQL.

brew services stop mariadb  
brew unlink mariadb  
brew link mysql

Once you do this, you have to go to /usr/local/lib and duplicate and rename the following files:

libmysqlclient.a     -> libmysqlclient_r.a
libmysqlclient.dylib -> libmysqlclient_r.dylib

Now you can install PHP with the — with-libmysql option:

brew install php55 --with-httpd --with-libmysql  
brew install php56 --with-httpd --with-libmysql

If you already installed php55 or php56, just use reinstall instead of install


Happy coding.

Thanks for your time!

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